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If you leave a review on a paid resource, I will give you another resource for free. Just message me on TB_Primary@outlook.com, or via my social channels, letting me know which resource you would like.
This is the 7th lesson in our states of matter unit. It can be used as a standalone lesson, or as part of the sequence.
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint enabling pupils to:
Find out about the processes involved with the water cycle
Explore evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection in more detail
A sheet enabling pupils to practically model the water cycle in a container, plus prompts encouraging them to reflect on how the different stages of the water cycle are represented in their model.
Differentiated worksheets enabling pupils to draw, label and describe the water cycle.
This is an end of unit assessment intended for use following the Year 3 ‘plants’ unit. It is intended for use with our four part series of lessons, but can be used as a standalone assessment.
18 PowerPoint slides across 3 lessons
50 organism cards for sorting/grouping etc!
5 differentiated worksheet pages
25 mark end of unit assessment (with answers)
10 picture prompts for stimulating discussion
Venn templates to help grouping
Many links to useful sites and videos
All for LESS THAN HALF the PRICE than buying these resources individually
This bundle contains 3 lessons for the living things and habitats unit:
Grouping organisms
Human impacts on the environment
A 25 mark assessment for use at the end of our Year 4 unit on ‘living things & habitats’.
Covering aspects of the unit such as:
Characteristics of vertebrates/invertebrates and their sub-groups
Grouping organisms using venn diagrams
Classifying organisms using branching keys
Human impacts (positive & negative) on habitats
Human impacts (positive & negative) on the environment
Answers included!
Tags: Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 KS2 Science test assessment quiz
These resources contain:
Factfiles for the 8 planets
A blank ‘research’ page for pupils to carry out research
An introductory PowerPoint
By the end of this lesson, pupils should have a secure knowledge of the order of the planets in the solar system, and have had the opportunity to find out a little more about each of the planets.
As part of the ‘research’ section of the lesson, there is an interesting collaborative task, restricting pupils to only half of the planet factfiles, meaning they will need to ‘trade’ information with peers on the other planets, perhaps encouraging them to carry out the most comprehensive research.
Tags - Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 KS2 Earth & space Planets Solar system
This is the 1st lesson in the Year 4 science states of matter topic. It assumes the teacher has prepared some physical examples of everyday solids and liquids beforehand (e.g. vegetable oil, toothpaste, chocolate etc).
In this lesson, pupils will discuss what they think makes a solid, solid and makes a liquid, liquid. They will have the opportunity to place items in the correct places on a venn diagram and share their thoughts. Pupils will be guided to discover the main properties for solids and liquids throughout the lesson.
There is also a short guide on how to make oobleck, a non-newtonian fluid with both solid and liquid properties.
The worksheet consists of 4 tasks, labelled ‘think, try, do, extend’, which pupils should be able to work through independently following the main input using the PowerPoint. There is also a venn diagram/sorting task for pupils to complete to demonstrate their understanding of the properties of solids and liquids.
Tags - KS2 Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 6 Science states of matter solid liquid properties
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint enabling pupils to learn about the names and function of the different teeth in humans, as well as how to look after our teeth.
A worksheet helping to reinforce pupils’ knowledge of the names and function of teeth in humans.
An investigation into sugary drinks, and accompanying worksheet.
Small practical models and extension ideas.
This lesson is intended as lesson 2 of 4 in the ‘Animals, including humans’ topic. It can also be used as a standalone lesson.
This bundle contains 4 lessons and an end of unit assessment for the science unit, ‘Animals, including humans’.
Teeth in humans
Teeth in animals
Food chains
End of unit assessment
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint enabling pupils to learn about how the digestive system works, the different organs involved and their function.
A worksheet enabling pupils to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of the digestive system
Instructions for a practical enabling pupils to model the digestion process using real food.
This intended as lesson 1 of 4 in the ‘Animals, including humans’ topic, but can be used as a standalone lesson on digestion.
This is the 2nd lesson in the Year 4 science states of matter topic. It assumes pupils understand how to identify solids and liquids. In this lesson, pupils will carry out a series of practical tasks designed to help them explore and gain a deeper understanding about the properties of, and differences between solids and liquids. They will complete a booklet as they progress through the lesson.
The booklet is designed to be printed on A4 and folded into an 8 page A5 booklet. It consists of 6 ‘challenges’, plus an equipment page and summary page. The equipment required to complete the booklet is detailed below, though could be easily adapted:
A tray
Plastic cup containing 212ml water
Empty glass beaker
Glass/plastic measuring cylinder
salt/sugar in a small cup
Empty plastic bottle
Syringe containing some marbles
Syringe containing some water
A solid block
Tags - KS2 Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 6 Science states of matter solid liquid properties
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint enabling pupils to:
Find out how flowering plants are pollinated
Understand the difference between pollination and fertilisation
Explore real life examples of seed dispersal, and understand the reasons for seed dispersal.
Extend their knowledge by considering plants which reproduce ‘asexually’
A series of differentiated templates enabling pupils to:
Create their own storyboards/cartoons to describe the process of pollination/fertilisation/seed dispersal in flowering plants.
This is intended as lesson 4 in our ‘Plants’ topic, but can be taught as a standalone lesson.
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint enabling pupils to:
Consider the different conditions plants need to grow
Plan and carry out an investigation into whether plants require light to grow
Observe the effects of ‘capillary action’ on plants’ flowers.
A worksheet enabling pupils to:
Plan and write-up their investigation in a scaffolded way to support scientific thinking and detail.
This is intended as lesson 2 in our ‘Plants’ topic, but can easily be taught as a standalone lesson.
This is the 3rd lesson in the Year 4 science states of matter topic. It assumes prior learning of the properties of solids and liquids. In this lesson, pupils will explore melting and freezing points using a variety of everyday objects (ice, chocolate, wax). They will consider how ‘heat energy’ is either added or removed to cause the change of state and be able to draw simple diagrams to show the changes are physical (reversible). Pupils will also begin to appreciate the fact that different materials have different melting points.
The worksheet consists of 4 tasks, labelled ‘think, try, do, extend’, which pupils should be able to work through independently following the main input using the PowerPoint. There is also a cutting/sticking/matching task for pupils to complete to demonstrate their understanding of melting/solidifying.
Tags - KS2 Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 6 Science states of matter melting solidifying freezing physical reversible
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint enabling pupils to:
Identify the 4 different parts of a plant (roots,leaves, stem, flower)
Describe the function/s of the different parts
A worksheet enabling pupils to:
reinforce their understanding of the parts of plants and their function
This is intended as lesson one in our ‘Plants’ topic, but can be taught as a standalone lesson.
This lesson pack contains:
A PowerPoint looking at the differences between teeth in herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
A worksheet reinforcing this information.
This lesson is intended as lesson 3 of 4 in the topic ‘Animals, including humans’, but can easily be taught as a stand alone lesson.